Monday, May 18


al and i spent a good part of the weekend talking about cabin furniture, what we could take up now (like an air mattress) and what we need to buy first (a sofa bed). i've been wanting this yellow sideboard from ikea for a while, but i don't know if i can talk al into it. i could deal with the black version of the cabinet if it was my only choice. we did find some things at jen and cristal's garage sale, and a few things at an estate sale, but nothing large as we don't really have room to store it here at this house. al called me this morning to let me know the sellers would like to leave all their furniture in the cabin, except a few frying pans!! everything is extremely "beige" but we can't believe the windfall, we don't have to buy a thing until we're ready and we won't have to take up an air mattress. now i really think that yellow sideboard could spice things up.

1 comment:

Leigh said...

Oooh, I'm so excited to see it! Can't wait to see you again soon too!