Sunday, August 2

pacific blues

last week at the cabin it really felt like all we did was tile. the area was a total of 32" x 92" and took 4 of our 5 days. various factors for this session of torture include:

1. never tiling anything before

2. tiling an area behind a non-movable object

3. using hand-made heath tiles that are not square or flat

4. never tiling anything before

we never imagined this would take us so long, but for the most part it's done. we just need to remove the tape around the edges when we go back (the grout really needed to dry) and wash off the grout haze. i'll be doing that next weekend when i head back up without al. it really looks gorgeous and adds a nice bit of color and texture to the living room.

we did get to spend a lot of time at mother's beach, which is basically across the street. we packed up one of my new baskets with towels and books, packed a cooler with snacks and booze, and hauled over a lounge chair, umbrella and inner-tube for a few hours of lounging and cooling off in the 90 degree sun. we only saw one beer induced fight.

next projects include harvesting from the garden bed (me) and finishing the workroom downstairs (al).


Leigh said...

Ooh, it looks great! I love the color. Sounds like a lot of work, but I'm sure when you look at it you'll appreciate it that much more having done the work yourselves.

Mrs. Dirty Hair said...

One beer induced fight? What happened there? And the tile looks amazing!

kongelbak said...

I love that color. It's calling out for some bright orange friends.

Laura said...

For someone who hasn't tiled before I yhink they look great! Plus I love that sea blue colour.